Work in Warszawa

Warszawa or Warsaw, the capital of Poland and a really interesting city with a lot of graphic designers.

The Polish design scene is still relatively young and you can clearly distinguish each generation.” — Edgar Bak, Warsaw, Poland

Today I met Marcin and Kate from Noviki. They showed me their work and told me interesting stories about the Polish Graphic Design. For example how it has been a really strong poster design culture that best can be seen in the designs of Hendryk Thomaszewski or why it has been evolving to the kind of movement it is right now.

Tomorrow morning we will be talking about a project that we will do this week and to get more into the Polish Graphic Design, by coincidence there is an exhibition about Hendryk Thomaszewski at Zacheta Gallery, we will be visiting!

Further this week I’m planning to meet the people of Powazne Studio.