Another thing that you see a lot in the streets are those really nice poor Polish typography. You can see plenty examples of it here. Those two ‘problematics’ are used in the project in the form of a website. Visit it and enjoy getting lost in Warsaw while trying to see the nice typography! ↠ TripInWarsaw

Projects of Warsaw

Warsaw is a great city! A lot of things are going on here. I discovered very fascinating things about the Polish and culture in Warsaw but of course also plenty about the graphic design.

Polish graphic designers have much graphic cultural heritage like poster designs but also typography. And I felt that the graphic designers that I met have a strong position towards this heritage. Some of them are tired of those old designs and others are getting inspired by those designs.

This summary is the basis for the poster project I did with Noviki. We put this kind of contrast into the poster. We were also inspired by the Polish movie heritage and added some elements from that in to poster.
The project isn’t just a poster, it’s more then that. It is a combination of three poster. The first one is a moving poster. Inside of the poster you can see the story we want to tell. The second one is a printed poster and the third one is a poster that you can download. The posters aren’t really meant to stand as a single poster, they can though, but they need each other to tell the full story. This is a thing that ‘the streets told us’ as you can see here. This whole project is maybe a way of showing that they are thinking a lot about they heritage.




You can also see the poster with sound here: Vimeo

The other project I did in Warsaw was with Powazne Studio.
The first time we met, we talked a lot about typography and the city. And there is a lot to tell about those subjects! Warsaw is a city that isn’t really structured well. You can easily get lost while looking for  a museum.

For example: try to look for the start and the end of Pańska:

Another thing that you see a lot in the streets are those really nice poor Polish typography. You can see plenty examples of it here.

Those two ‘problematics’ are used in the project in the form of a website. Visit it and enjoy getting lost in Warsaw while trying to see the nice typography!
